13th Biennial Conference of the CES-conference registration is now open

The Biennial Conference of the Czech Economic Society is a full-day international scientific conference, the content of which includes: about 60-80 presentations in individual sections (including a section for primary and secondary school teachers of economically-oriented subjects), a plenary lecture by a distinguished guest and the award ceremony of the Young Economist competition, Kateřina Šmídková Prize, and CES Prize for Long-Term Contribution to Development of Czech Economic Learning. Registration for the conference is open from 1.10.2024. Please register by following this link: https://forms.gle/tRiDdsh6JZk4txLz7

CSE_Call_for_Papers_2024.pdf (1.9.2024)

Local job market CES2024.pdf (2.10.2024)
