A person over the age of 18 who will forward the completed membership application to the board of directors deciding about the admission, may become an individual member. Individual membership then arises after the first membership fee has been paid. The application form is available online or in PDF form (on request - cse@cse.cz).
The membership fee must always be paid by 30 September of the given calendar year. If a member fails to pay the fee by the end of the given calendar year, their membership will automatically expire.
The fee must be paid to the CES account (No. 1923626399 / 0800; in the case of cross-border payments, the following data must be used - IBAN: CZ88 0800 0000 0019 2362 6399, SWIFT code of the bank: GIBACZPX), with a payment reference number which is the member number (without this number the payment cannot be identified). You can get your member number by asking at CES administration.
The membership fee - individual membership
Seniors - standard fee 100 CZK
Senior = member whose main source of income is pension at least in a part of the given year.
Students - standard fee 250 CZK
Student = member who is at least in a part of the given year a full-time (i. e. not working at the same time) university student of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral studies.
Others - standard fee 500 CZK